But changes occur and we adapt. A few months ago, we stopped announcing weekly literary events on our blog. The primary reason behind this change was when another great organization began providing the same information in a more collaborative fashion. While Weave will always be Pittsburgh born and bred, we are now a bicoastal journal. In fact, thanks to the great folks at Submishmash, who make online submission management so simple, Weave has staff members across the country. While the bulk of our staff remains in Pittsburgh, we also have folks in New York City, Philadelphia and Southern California. Our customer base is growing too. Weave can always be purchased online, but we are also carried in a number of bookstores. In Pittsburgh, you can find us at Awesome Books; in San Francisco, look for Weave at Books & Bookshelves. Expect to see Weave on the shelf at many other independent booksellers in the near future.
Some things won't change. We will still participate in events like the Ligonier Valley Writers Conference and Pittsburgh's Small Press Festival. We hope to get involved with events like Litquake. We will be at AWP in Chicago again. I plan to host readings with former and current Weave contributors in the Bay Area, while continuing to hold readings for each issue in Pittsburgh. We hope to hold more community writing workshops across the county.
To celebrate this growth and expansion, we are going to have a SALE on ALL ISSUES of Weave, including our latest issue, which features work from writers such as Nin Andrews, J.P. Dancing Bear, Jane McCafferty and Truth Thomas, among others. Just use the code "BICOASTAL" at checkout and you'll get 50% OFF any purchase! (And domestic shipping on all orders is only $2.) This offer is good for at least one week, maybe longer, so after you buy your copies be sure to go tell your friends about Weave's big sale. We hope you'll join our celebration by supporting independent publishing with your purchase today!