Tuesday, June 2:
91.3 WYEP Radio
Hemingway’s Summer Poetry Series
feat. Arlan Hess, Mike Schneider, and Christina Springer
Hemingway’s Cafe
3911 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Oakland)
8:00pm – free – (412)621-4100
Wednesday, June 3:
Are You Free? Chapbook Release Party
Glass Key Press launches Are You Free?: A Collection of Verbal Literations in a Gritty City featuring D.J. Brewer, Kellee Maize, and Carolyne Whelan
New Amsterdam
4421 Butler St Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
8:00pm – free/$8 books – (412)682-6414
Thursday, June 4:
Coatlicue Reading Series
feat. Stacey Waite, Adam Atkinson, Beano & Mark Bisi, and Thomas Scioli
Encyclopedia Destructica Studios
156 41st St Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
8:00pm – free
Friday, June 5:
Sprout Summer Social
The Sprout Fund, Weave supporter, welcomes friends, neighbors and supporters to a summer social at its offices for complimentary snacks and drinks while listening to live entertainment from Man in the Street and DJ J.Malls. Meet board members and staff to learn about Sprout’s programs. Discover recent projects funded by Sprout's Seed Award and Spark programs. View the 2009 preliminary designs from Sprout Public Art.
Sprout Fund Offices
5423 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
5:30pm – free – (412)325-0646
Gist Street Reading Series
feat. Hadara Bar-Nadav (poetry) and Salvatore Scibona (fiction)
James Simon Sculpture Studio (3rd floor)
305 Gist St Pittsburgh, PA (Uptown)
7:30pm – $5
Saturday, June 6 :
Poetry Without Walls
13th annual open reading for local writers
Garfield Artworks
4931 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Garfield)
8:00pm – free – (412)231-1581
Sunday, June 7:
91.3 WYEP Radio
Hemingway’s Summer Poetry Series
feat. Arlan Hess, Mike Schneider, and Christina Springer
Hemingway’s Cafe
3911 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Oakland)
8:00pm – free – (412)621-4100
Wednesday, June 3:
Are You Free? Chapbook Release Party
Glass Key Press launches Are You Free?: A Collection of Verbal Literations in a Gritty City featuring D.J. Brewer, Kellee Maize, and Carolyne Whelan
New Amsterdam
4421 Butler St Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
8:00pm – free/$8 books – (412)682-6414
Thursday, June 4:
Coatlicue Reading Series
feat. Stacey Waite, Adam Atkinson, Beano & Mark Bisi, and Thomas Scioli
Encyclopedia Destructica Studios
156 41st St Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
8:00pm – free
Friday, June 5:
Sprout Summer Social
The Sprout Fund, Weave supporter, welcomes friends, neighbors and supporters to a summer social at its offices for complimentary snacks and drinks while listening to live entertainment from Man in the Street and DJ J.Malls. Meet board members and staff to learn about Sprout’s programs. Discover recent projects funded by Sprout's Seed Award and Spark programs. View the 2009 preliminary designs from Sprout Public Art.
Sprout Fund Offices
5423 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
5:30pm – free – (412)325-0646
Gist Street Reading Series
feat. Hadara Bar-Nadav (poetry) and Salvatore Scibona (fiction)
James Simon Sculpture Studio (3rd floor)
305 Gist St Pittsburgh, PA (Uptown)
7:30pm – $5
Saturday, June 6 :
Poetry Without Walls
13th annual open reading for local writers
Garfield Artworks
4931 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Garfield)
8:00pm – free – (412)231-1581
Sunday, June 7:
The TypewriterGirls Try Politics
"After the (amazing) scantily clad, mildly orgiastic debacle that was The TypewriterGirls Try Drag, the ladies have decided to turn over a new leaf and begin an epic battle in the name of social justice. Join them in their quest to unionize the Greater Pittsburgh bohemian community–streetwalkers, poets, bicyclists, tarot card readers, amateur astrologers, and the like–while revolutionizing Pittsburgh’s concept of 'employed.' Supported by the AFL-CIO (in a manner of speaking), The TypewriterGirls have rounded up an all-star team of Grass Roots Community Organizers to aid them in their cause." Feat. poets Renee Alberts, Adam Atkinson, Mary Biddinger, and Jay Robinson, with music by Between Liberties, DJ Randy Spinster, escape artistry by Dave Doyle (aka Pester the Jester), and punk rock burlesque with Shrimp Scanty.
Your Inner Vagabond
4130 Butler St Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
7:00pm – $5 – (412)683-1623
Do you have a literary event you want to see listed on our calendar?
E-mail details to: joel.weavezine@gmail.com
The TypewriterGirls Try Politics
"After the (amazing) scantily clad, mildly orgiastic debacle that was The TypewriterGirls Try Drag, the ladies have decided to turn over a new leaf and begin an epic battle in the name of social justice. Join them in their quest to unionize the Greater Pittsburgh bohemian community–streetwalkers, poets, bicyclists, tarot card readers, amateur astrologers, and the like–while revolutionizing Pittsburgh’s concept of 'employed.' Supported by the AFL-CIO (in a manner of speaking), The TypewriterGirls have rounded up an all-star team of Grass Roots Community Organizers to aid them in their cause." Feat. poets Renee Alberts, Adam Atkinson, Mary Biddinger, and Jay Robinson, with music by Between Liberties, DJ Randy Spinster, escape artistry by Dave Doyle (aka Pester the Jester), and punk rock burlesque with Shrimp Scanty.
Your Inner Vagabond
4130 Butler St Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
7:00pm – $5 – (412)683-1623
Do you have a literary event you want to see listed on our calendar?
E-mail details to: joel.weavezine@gmail.com