To be perfectly honest when Laura and I began to put together Issue 01 of Weave, we were not sure how it would turn out. We knew, of course, what we liked in writing, what we didn't like, and where we diverged, but it was the contributors who truly shaped what became the first issue of Weave. In this first issue much of the work is about the cycle of life and death; J.R. Pearson reflects on the killing of an ant, Nashay Jones depicts pregnancy, Heidi Evan's cover art is skeletal, Rachel Bunting rewrites the story of Lazarus, and Sarah J Sloat asks the question "What on earth doesn't end up in tatters?". It is a truly lovely collection of work.
As our second issue shapes up, we are beginning to see a theme emerge in it as well -- more by happy accident than design. Issue 02 will show you science versus fairytale, and where the two may meet. The characters are diverse; a man working in an asylum in the 1960's, the monsters in your closet, and a princess who'd rather be a mad scientist, among others, all equally colorful. We're excited to see how it is shaping up and hope you will take a look at the lovely Issue 01 while Laura and I are hard at work on Issue 02.
- Margaret
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