October 4, 2009

Pittsburgh Lit Events October 4 - 11

Monday, October 5:

Drue Heinz Lecture Series - Lorrie Moore
Lorrie Moore, author of A Gate at the Stairs (Knopf, 2009) speaks in Pittsburgh.
Carnegie Music Hall
4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Oakland)
7:30pm - $35+ - (412) 622-8866

Tuesday, October 6:

Hilary Masters
How the Indians Buried Their Dead & In Rooms of Memory (SMU Press, 2009/2004).
Carnegie Mellon University Bookstore
5000 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Oakland)
4:30pm - free (books for sale) - (412) 268-2000

Michael Chabon
Discussing and signing his new book, Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and
Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son
(Harper, 2009).

Joseph-Beth Booksellers
2705 E Carson St Pittsburgh, PA (South Side)
7:00pm - Purchase of
Manhood for Amateurs required - (412) 462-5743

Wednesday, October 7:

Ellis Avery
Author of The Teahouse Fire (Riverhead Books, 2006) and The Smoke Week (Gival
Press, 2003) reads from her work.

University of Pittsburgh
501 Cathedral of Learning
4200 Fifth Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Oakland)
6:00pm - free - (412) 624-6506

Thursday, October 8:

Te Cafe Reading Series
feat Joan Bauer and Stephen Murabito

Té Cafe
2000 Murray Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Squirrel Hill)
7:00pm - free -
(412) 422-8888

Sherrie Flick
Local author Sherrie Flick discussing and signing her new novel, Reconsidering
(Bison Books, 2009)
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
2705 E Carson St Pittsburgh, PA (South Side)
7:00pm - free
- (412) 462-5743

CMU Adamson Reading Series - Meg Wolitzer
Author of The Ten Year Nap (Riverhead Books, 2008) and Surrender, Dorothy
(Scribner, 2000) speaks in Pittsburgh.

Carnegie Mellon University
136A Baker Hall
5000 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA (Oakland)
8:00pm - free - (412) 268-2000

Do you have a literary event you want to see listed on our calendar?
E-mail details to: joel.weavezine@gmail.com

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